Silver Nickel Vine (also known as Silver Falls) is an evergreen creeper originally from Texas and Mexico with a gorgeous silvery foliage, which makes a nice addition to any garden and more often, at home.
In gardens it is often planted as a ground cover but increasingly in pots where its appearance of a waterfall and a silvery gray reflection is accentuated (hence 'Silver Falls'). This plant grows best in direct sun or partial shade, indoors as well as outdoors. It can withstand temperatures down to 1 ° C, so it is recommended that it be brought inside during the winter and slightly trimmed. If left outdoors during the colder weather and the plant freezes, it's not a big issue because come springtime it pushes young shoots out of its roots again. It is also highly resistant to diseases and pests making it easier to take care of.
It is not toxic to humans or their pets, but can cause skin irritation in some people.
The Silver Nickel Vine is a great plant for those who have balconies or terraces where they want falling plants for large or hanging container, which they can then bring into their home during the winter, where they will decorate the interior during the colder months.
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