A beautiful bush-shaped perennial, recognizable by its lovely foliage that occurs in different colors shapes, there are over 1000 cultivars. It is ideal for shady gardens where rarely other species thrive. He is originally from the Far East.
Hosts tolerate shade very well, but it is still recommended to plant them where they recive couple hours of indirect sunligt for better growth. Also the lighter the color of the hosta leaf, the more sun it needs and vice versa.
Hostas also bloom, but care should be taken with the flower as it attracts lice. The soil should be well drained so that when the plant is watered it should always be moist around the roots and not wet, cause root rot can appear. They tolerate low temperatures well, but are less tolarate to summer drought, therefor it should be watered regularly.
It is toxic to small children and pets and it can cause nausea, diarrhea and depression.
In terms of diseases and pests, the most dangerous pests are snails that often can attack the leaves.
I really like this plant, cause it fits into any garden, and does not require much care, and that make sit ideal for beginners.