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  • Writer's picturebsgreencorner

Cape jasmine - lat. Gardenia jasminoides

This is a flowering evergreen shrub that is best suited as a garden plant in warmer climates whereas in colder climates, such as my native home of Croatia, is better suited as an indoor houseplant. When the outside temperature is above 16 ° C the plant can be taken outside in the garden or on the balcony. The ideal position is in partial shade or in a place where it will be protected from direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day.

Cape Jasmine is native to East Asia where it is flowers throughout the entire year, while in cooler climates, it blooms in late spring and early summer. This gardenia should be pruned after the plant has stopped blooming as to encourage the growth of new flowers.

The substrate in which it grows in should be well drained, moist and slightly acidic. Soil acidity can be enhanced with special fertilizers for hydrangeas and rhododendrons.

Water the gardenia moderately but regularly, with stagnant water of room temperature.

As for insects, the gardenia is sensitive to scale, aphids, spider mites and mealybugs. Regarding diseases, they are also vulnerable to powdery mildew, leaf spot, dieback, anthracnose and sooty mold. Like the Calathea, this plant is not for beginners due to its demanding nature - it takes a lot of patience and care for this plant to survive. It is not poisonous to humans. Indeed, its dried flowers are even used as a spice. In animals, gardenia contain geniposides and gardenosides, substances that many animals are sensitive to.

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